Well, you have a few options. You can get the biggest beefiest integrated stereo amp you can find with the A + B speaker option, that way you can run power to all 4 speakers at once. You'd need a hell of a beefy power supply to run 4 studio 60's at once though, and it would have to be stable at a load of 4 ohms or lower and put out at least 200 watts per channel clean power @ that 4 ohms. I'm thinking something along the lines of this
http://www.av123.com/products_product.php?section=processors&product=21.1 just to give you an idea. I'm not familiar enough with integrateds to let you know when you're getting a good deal though, and I'm not familiar enough with the connections a lot of the equipment you are planning to use need. There are a few guys on this site that I'd suggest you PM for ideas. They are all pretty good guys and much more knowledgable, even the one that is enrolled at Michigan is a good source of info despite that institution being more of a clown college than any type of learning facility. I believe next year they're offering a masters in Applied Big Foot Theory.
. Ok the guys I'd ask, and these are their screen names, if I were you would be: Buckeyefan1, jaxvon, MacManNM, Clint, Tom Andry, Gene, Ray, (last 4 are admins of site, might be too busy), Bmxtrix, Wmax. Those are just some of the names that you'll often see . There are many other really knowledgable guys
You can also go the receiver route and try out some of the surround sound formats that are available, but I'd suggest that this is even better with 5 speakers so you can enjoy SACD and DVD Audio as well as 5.1 Dolby Digital and DTS music tracks. I've still never heard anything as well recorded as a Dave Mathews/Blue Man group track on a DTS DVD, and while I'm not a fan of either group I've listened to that track dozens of times because it just sounds so darn good. I wish I could be of more help. I'll list some Brands that that have a high quality to price ratio: Yamaha, Denon, Marantz, Rotel, NAD, Arcam. You'll have to shop around to get the most possible for your $$ but These companies make high quality Integrated amps as well so that's something to consider. You'll really have to shop around to get a lot of these products for under a grand Canadian, but it can be done, and I find shopping and price comparing to be fun.
Also here's another couple of ideas: I'm not sure what kind of sub you have but if it isn't very powerful start saving for a sub by HSU. They are selling in Canada and an STF-2 or 3 will shake down the house compared to other similarly priced subs. You're room isn't very big so you might not need all the amplification in the world to get great sound, especially with the speakers you have, which you got at a heck of a price. Ask that in the PM's you send. If you do decide to give 5.1 a whirl some studio 20's and a cc470 would round you out nicely. Good luck with it all.