First off, there is no need for you to bi-wire, there are some very threoritcial arguments for its "possible" benefits but with your set up I assure it would merely be an exercise in spending twice as much on cables than you need.
Secondly, the c-shaped bars between the EXT out and EXT in are acting as jumpers between the units pre-pro section and it's amplifier section. What this means is that if you pull the bars out you'll be separating the units processor from its amp section. This wont help with your current question but it does give you a number of options in the future. For example you could run the EXT out to an active crossover like
this and run back into the EXT in which would allow you to make a myriad of adjustments to qualize your system to your room's acoustics. Secondly, you could run the EXT out to an external amplifier and use your unit as just a pre/pro. Thirdly, you could attach a different receiver’s pre out, or a pre/pro's outs to your units EXT in to use it just as an external amplifier.
As for the active'll want run speaker wire from your receiver to the speaker level inputs on the sub, and then connect the 602's to the speaker level outputs of the sub. This will allow you to use the crossover in the sub for bass management, since it appears that your unit doesn’t offer this feature.