No, I did not miss you point, I understood you were talking "mix", not the "gain on the volume knob". I just don't believe your "claim" about the "remixed home release... part", and that's the point that I said right from the beginning that I might have misunderstood you. I thought you were "claiming" that movies we purchased from say Bestbuy, in BR, DVD formats, were "remixed for home entertainment" and that they were not mixed to THX standards in terms of the reference levels, dynamic peak etc. Again, I did say I might have misunderstood you on that point, that point only.
I really don't know as I don't fully understand what you meany by "look at the stems from the........". I just don't feel I am missing much watching the same BR movie in my home HT in terms of sound pressure level.
Okay, thanks, and unless and I until I read something different from some reliable sources, I am going to take your word for it.
This is a very good explanation of what I am talking about. The audio engineer in the thread gets attacked by several forum members insisting that they’re “ruining the mix” by altering it from the theatrical version, but I’d say for the most part he is 100% correct in saying an unaltered theatrical mix just does not translate correctly into a small room. It has nothing to do with having capable speakers, but the perceptual difference in both relative loudness and dynamic range based on the size of the room and proximity to the speakers.
You’re correct that the peak levels (105dB per channel) still apply. If the mix engineer decides to bump up the dialogue by 6dB for the bluray release, watching it at 0dB would result in it being too loud. When watching a movie encoded in a Dolby format, this isn’t an issue, dialnorm adjusts the relative average gain to -27dBfs, which maintains the dialogue at around 75dB and the average volume at 85dB, the way it’s supposed to be when played back a 0dB, some DTS mixes might be a little hotter because the mixer bumped the average volume and dialogue up without lowering the relative gain, there’s a few I’ve watched where the dialogue will be at shouting levels played back at 0dB, since there’s no dialnorm with DTS.
I also definitely was saying the movies remixed for bluray are not mixed in a room calibrated to 85dB and a standard xcurve (-3dB/octave at 2khz). Dolby specifically states that smaller rooms should calibrate to lower levels and use a modified xcurve. A 5000cu ft room, for example, would be calibrated to 82dB and equalized to the modified xcurve, which would display a falling response of -1.5dB an octave beginning at 2khz on an rta. An even smaller room (1000cu ft or less) would be calibrated to 79dB and no xcurve.
I disagree with thx on re-eq because the xcurve is not an eq curve, it’s a room response compensation. Audyssey got it right with their reference curve that slopes about 2dB/octave beginning at 4khz, that’s pretty close to the modified xcurve.
The whole point of this is that by calibrating this way, you ensure that the mix translates from room to room. If you doubt that an 82dB calibration isn’t used for smaller rooms, head over to avid or Gearslutz and do a search for room calibration levels in small rooms, you’ll find those who mix in smaller rooms do not mix at 85dB because it translates to a weak mix that too quiet and lacks dynamics on a theatrical dub stage, whereas a 79-82dB cal translates just fine.
If you’re seated 13’ or greater from the front channels, 85dB would probably sound fine, but at shorter distances, it may sound too loud.