what songs / music do people use to test or benchmark a new system..



Hi there, I am a newbie to this site and I am currently building my first audio setup. So far I have got a Yamaha av receiver, Yamaha ns200 front floor standing speakers and a set of Yamaha surround sound rear speakers and a yam sub....oh and a marantz record deck.
As a newbie, I am after advice as to what would be a good tune, vinyl or mp3 / CD that would test my set up.
I appreciate that there is a universe of music genre out there but...a few people have suggested war of the worlds????? Hellllpppppp is there an industry or common benchmark tune that is used to test that offers coverage of all musical frequencies etc.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
There is no single tune that is widely used to benchmark a system. I think this is because there are too many different aspects of music recording to cram into a single tune. I would just tailor your system to your tastes and the type of stuff you like. Just make sure your setup plays your music well, and enjoy it.


Audioholic Samurai
I'd have to agree with shadyJ but this is a good start ...

... another fave for low to high ... the list is pretty extensive.
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Audioholic Samurai
Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon" Master Recording on CD (It's a gold CD)

Did that with my Triton 1s and that is what sold it for me


Audioholic Ninja
This is funny me and Mac were just talking about this same subject...

I have a pair of songs that I like to use, my demo playlist has 40+ song sin it but the first 2 tell me a lot and fast... both most people have been listening to for 30 or so years so will be very familiar, which is what you want, how can you compare a speaker how everything else sounds with a material you don't know very well?
#1 Arrowsmiths "Janies got a gun", that fast rise and collapse percussion tells a lot, the whispers that a good speaker shows detail in and your brain doesnt have to fill in the gaps... You will also hear some breaths that other systems won't pick up, but for some reason this differs on different recordings, I have 2 cd's one was an old one and one was never and on the newer one the breaths were gone, so someone either remastered it and removed them or Steven Tyler stopped breathing and they were totally rerecorded... Not sure?

#2 Stealers Wheel "stuck in the middle with you", the hand clapping should be rite there just a level or 2 under the vocals, you can hear Joe Egan take a big breath before the "pleeeeeaaaseee" part on lesser systems you will just hear eeeeeeeiiieeeeiiee I lot of people hear this song on my music only system and say "he is saying "please"", lol with a good system you will hear the breath before, the "Pa" then the leeaeeeeae" and then the "se" so instead of eeeeeeeeieeiee you get paleeaaaeeaase... Its hard to explain and I probably did a horrible job of it, but if you hear it you will get it.. This song separates the good from the really good IMO, you should be able to tell something weird is going on with the strings too, they are actually playing with a beer bottle, wiping the strings with it and bouncing it up and down, you pick this up with a well balanced detailed speaker...

Play some songs you are super familiar with and see if you can find some detail that prior to your new system you never picked up... if its not there, then you either are very used to nice music systems or what you have is just ok. I am not crazy about yamaha speakers and to catch the details I am talking about in the above two songs you need some decent equipment or really good ears, but you should pick up on something, kind of how you just know when you have a special speaker...


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Lol ImcLoud, figures you would like Stuck in the Middle with You- anyone indisposed to police must enjoy that tune, at least after a certain infamous movie scene...


Audioholic Ninja
Lol ImcLoud, figures you would like Stuck in the Middle with You- anyone indisposed to police must enjoy that tune, at least after a certain infamous movie scene...
Very sharp shady, very sharp...

But honestly play it on a nice musical system and you will here it all, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIMg2Xw4_8s

I also like the coasters "down in mexico" does that mean I like lap dances? You may be on to something, maybe Quintin Tarantino is more of a genius than I thought?
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Speaker of the House
Staff member
Lol, no offense, just something I realized. Dogs was the first time I remember hearing that tune anyway, and afterward its hard to forget it.


Audioholic Ninja
Lol, no offense, just something I realized. Dogs was the first time I remember hearing that tune anyway, and afterward its hard to forget it.
Wow I had to of heard it before RD, what was that 94' ish, that song is from the early 70's.. I love it...

QT does put good music in his films... this may have been the first time I heard this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxA69qsGSWo&list=RDPxA69qsGSWo#t=0

Shady, you are red again, lol.. man you get under more skin than me, although I have to say I am more used to you being red so now I don't miss your posts...
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Full Audioholic
When you are testing stuff you have to use the music that you like to listen too... Speaker A might sound completely amazing playing Jazz music, but what good does that do you if you primarily listen to hip hop. I am new to the mid-fi market, so I myself am in the process of developing my own playlist for testing things. As I play different tracks, I start to hear the different intricacies, and I am starting to develop an ear for what is important to me. You really have to do the same.
Here are some examples from my personal listening though..
Sarah Mclachaln's "Angel" was the song that sold me on my speakers and really made me appreciate a strong mid range.
Avenged Sevenfold's nightmare album is very fast and dynamic... There really is a lot going on with the songs on that album. It would be hard for any speaker to keep up with all the stuff they do.
Owl City's "Tip of the Iceberg" has a really decent bass track, and the techno elements of that song are very fun.
Movie wise I do not have a lot of experience as I'm not a big cinephile, but when I watched "The Conjuring" with my wife and a few friends... The audio track in that movie and the element of "scaryness" that it added made a movie that would normally bore me, the most entertaining movie I have seen in a while. (well maybe just watching my wife watch the movie.)
Anyway what genre of music do you listen to... if we know that maybe we can make some suggestions that might make more sense for you personally.


Audioholic General
Steven Wilson... Although his recordings are about the best and all others don't sound as good IMO. His recordings sound good on bad speakers too :D


Audioholic Chief
Wow I had to of heard it before RD, what was that 94' ish, that song is from the early 70's.. I love it...

QT does put good music in his films... this may have been the first time I heard this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxA69qsGSWo&list=RDPxA69qsGSWo#t=0
Yeah, his movies usually have cool soundtracks. I saw an interview where he talked about how important it was and how much time was spent on soundtracks.

Death Proof was pretty cool too. :) It's got a cool vibe.


Audioholic Chief
Keb Mo - Everything I Need
...great kickdrum, clean recording, can check imaging
Feist - Limit to Your Love
.. female vocals, very distinct so easy to hear differences among speakers
Larry Carlton - Burnable
.. guitar with band, great for checking lower midrange and upper bass especially.
Eskmo - Cloudlight
...Electronic, subwoofer and midrange punch murdurrraa
Ray Charles - Fever
...Imaging! And those vocals. Great for testing the upper octaves and proper subwoofer blending
Tracy Chapman - Give me One Reason
... all around great recording
Nirvana - Lake of Fire (off unplugged album)
.. MTV unplugged has some great recordings, love this one


Junior Audioholic
Try the opening bass line from the song Action on the Rollins Band Yellow Blues album at reference volume. It sent an old receiver of mine into protection mode.

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