what reciever would you buy????



Audioholic General
I have been driving myself nuts trying to figure out which reciever to buy now that I have the money so I wanted some input from you guy's. I am looking at these two. The Pioneer Elite sc-25..http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/Products/HomeEntertainment/AV-Receivers/EliteReceivers/ci.SC-25.Kuro?tab=A or the Marantz SR-6005...http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCkQFjAA&url=http://us.marantz.com/Products/3236.asp&ei=vB55TM7OAYS8lQez-YDtCw&usg=AFQjCNFB5tXPQOaUEgTgFvHym61VwHWOuw I don't have 3d and really I am not to worried about it because I don't think it is going anywhere for some time. I have owned Pioneer for the last 4 years and was very happy but I often wondered what Audyssey could do for me in comparison to MCACC. So any optionions would be helpfull especially if anyone has experience with the 25. Thanks...:)


Audioholic General
You mean to tell me that knowbody has any opinions on this?????? :eek:


Audioholic General
Great advice wise guy....:rolleyes::D I'm getting no help here....:(


Audioholic Slumlord
Great advice wise guy....:rolleyes::D I'm getting no help here....:(
Actually no help from a wise guy would be me telling you that you should hire me to build you a wall before you go spending money on electronics. :eek: :D

Help will come, just be patient. :)
Nice weekends hurt the post count around here.


Audioholic Overlord
Have you looked at the Marantz SR7005? That's an impressive looking unit.


Audioholic General
Actually no help from a wise guy would be me telling you that you should hire me to build you a wall before you go spending money on electronics. :eek: :D

Help will come, just be patient. :)
Nice weekends hurt the post count around here.
I know but a wall for a HT with no HT reciever makes no sense. My Pioneer has gone bye bye, so I sold my SMS-1 my Mackie amp and a few other things in order to replace it. I still want to do the wall but it's not as high on the priority list. Maybe with the tax return if B.O. lets me keep some....:eek::)


Junior Audioholic
what features are a "must have" and what features don't matter to you?

And i thought you decided yesterday the SR6005 was your new AVR??:D:D

Denon makes some very solid AVR's, and with this years models coming out now, you should be able to score some serious deals on last years models.


Audioholic Samurai
Great advice wise guy....:rolleyes::D I'm getting no help here....:(
As much as I may have come across as a wise guy; the advice was sincere.
This years Aventage line from Yamaha looks pretty impressive. Worth some consideration.


Audioholic General
As much as I may have come across as a wise guy; the advice was sincere.
This years Aventage line from Yamaha looks pretty impressive. Worth some consideration.
No offense meant....:) I have looked at some along with 1000 others and I am just trying to concentrate on a couple so I stop driving myself nuts.....:eek: I know Yammy makes some nice stuff though.


Junior Audioholic
I went to best buy 2 weeks ago, just to play around. I listened to a pair of floor standing speakers through the yamaha A1000 and the sc-25. I have to say, TO MY EARS, the yamaha sounded so alive, so crisp and clear, and the pioneer sounded like a boombox. This is on the same exact set of speakers, i was surprised....

So, the point of my post is, I'm not going to say which is better or worse. I will only note that there seemed to be a BIG difference in sound/character between the two. I think you will serve yourself best if you can listen and then decide for yourself...


I have been driving myself nuts trying to figure out which reciever to buy

I am so in the same boat. I'm seriously thinking about putting my Parasound separates away for a while and moving on to the ease and space saving design of a quality receiver.

The Marantz SR6005 has my attention- mostly because I've owned Yamaha and Onkyo in the past, and figure I'd give something else a try for the next 5 to 10 years.

But the options and variables are giving me a headache :confused:


Audioholic Overlord
You're just pizzing in the wind unless you bump up to an AVR with Audyssey's MultEQ XT 32 Room Correction, (32 times the resolution quality of the current MultEQ XT) with Sub EQ HT.


Audioholic Spartan
I have been driving myself nuts trying to figure out which reciever to buy now that I have the money so I wanted some input from you guy's. I am looking at these two. The Pioneer Elite sc-25..http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/Products/HomeEntertainment/AV-Receivers/EliteReceivers/ci.SC-25.Kuro?tab=A or the Marantz SR-6005...http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCkQFjAA&url=http://us.marantz.com/Products/3236.asp&ei=vB55TM7OAYS8lQez-YDtCw&usg=AFQjCNFB5tXPQOaUEgTgFvHym61VwHWOuw I don't have 3d and really I am not to worried about it because I don't think it is going anywhere for some time. I have owned Pioneer for the last 4 years and was very happy but I often wondered what Audyssey could do for me in comparison to MCACC. So any optionions would be helpfull especially if anyone has experience with the 25. Thanks...:)
As with the Dawg, my decision will be a lot easier because my choices will be narrowed down by the XT32 as well. Even the sub channel will be improved by up to 4x the rez.

tcarcio, your MCAAC is liked by some for having some semblance of tweakability (even if Audyssey receivers will have at least a couple of target curves), but Audyssey is in another league, IMO. Yours doesn't do anything for the LFE channel at all, so far as I know, and otherwise only corrects down to 63hz IIRC, and as for the differences in resolution, I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was very significant (even the long standing version of Audyssey applies up to hundreds of filters).

But the XT32, for example, will have 4x the rez of the $750 SVS ASEQ1 (I believe) and that's just for the subwoofer. My last processor was chosen with MultEQ XT as the primary criterion, and XT32 will be for any near future purchase. I wouldn't mind trying the Dynamic EQ and vol that is usually packaged in their tech suite either.


Pounds head against a wall

It just never ends! There's always something new, something better.

And it's always "Just a couple of months away"

Which is why I haven't upgraded my pre-amp since progressive component inputs were first introduced! :eek:

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