Heat - gunfight in the street, if at sufficient volumes neighbors may call cops & report gunfire
U-571- depth charges, & other good scenes as well
Black Hawk Down- about 70% of the movie is a battle, take your pick
Drumline is not bad for drum effects, but movie is awful
Saving Private Ryan - like you have to ask which scene
Band of Brothers - the attack on a fixed position of 88's early in the series, but all the battle scenes are good
star wars III - at the very beginning of movie, just after the yellow type fades from screen & a space ship goes by - at sufficient volumes this will move furniture & i dont have a sub
Sting - All This Time (live) - fields of gold for bass, entire cd for music
Rachel Yamagata - track 1, 3, 5 - vocals, music
Diana Krall - girl in the other room - sacd surround, vocals, piano, music
neenna freelon - shaking free sacd
ray brown trio - live at loa - summerwind sacd, piano, soundstage, imaging
patricia barber - take your pick
about any jazz recorded in the 50's - bill evans trio, dave brubeck for noise floor & piano
dvorak - 7th, 8th & 9th symphonies - if interested email me & will give the best cd's by company
most anything from telarc is very well recorded & make great demo discs
van cliburn on sacd - piano, imaging, soundstage, does the piano sound distinct or is it swallowed by the symphony