Music is simply, a deliberately manmade conglomeration of specific sounds, meant to elicit an emptional response from the audience. Voice is sound too
Now why we like it, it's simple...we have emotions, and since the music is designed to pull on those in one way or another, we feel for it.
Like how when you hear a good rock song, you can feel all pumped up, or how the orchetra in an opera uses the music to set the mood....heck if you want proof that music triggers our emotions... I bet a few of us guys have tryed playing Barry White or Isaac Hayes or another similar artist's work when trying to get our groove on with the women
(whether it worked is a whole different story!)
Now you have whole ranges of music, from dark and gloomy, to breathtaking, to sad, all the way to medication required levels of happiness. Pretty much what works for a person is dependant on their moods and how each type of music works with it.
For me, I have a hard time with country music...too mellow...I'm starting to not mind it, but I won't own any discs of it anytime soon.
On the other hand, I have an utter passion for may not sound like an audiophile music taste, but does the type of music you listen to define audiophile, or just the fact that you love music, and intend to experience it as the artist intended?