Well seeing as how Im not working at the moment, I decided to go to EVERY audio shop in my area. That eventually led me to a Tweeter near by where I looked at sub's. When I first said something about subs, I was instantly met with "All I need to say is Martan Logan" So since I was playing somewhat dumb, I said show me. We walked over to a nice lil set up which included...
Martin Logan towers
Krell Pre Amp
Krell Amp
Panamax power center
All Audio quest cables
and a Martin Logan Decent sub
All of this fine equipment and the souce was a 150 dollar Sony 5 disc CD player!!!!! I naturally commented on it, the response was "Eh, it works" Anyway this was all in the open, not in one of the rooms where it could really blow someone away. I must say it filled the very large area almost with ease. After that I wanted to see what else there was in the store.
Next we went into a room and I instantly looked at the floor and saw a tiny polk audio sub and began to make fun of it
We tried to hear it in the room but there was a horrible ground loop (which when we heard it he looked at the cable and was like "Well thats not a sub cable"
) so we took it to where the decent was at. He hooked it up there and we listend to the same track (Some pop crap song with **** bass) When the bass was SUPOSED to hit he looked at the sub then back up at me and said "Thats cranked up all the way"
So you may be wondering what the point of this all was.....
There was no point, I was just bored and wanted to describe the difference in a $2000 sub and a $299 sub
One will fill a large area, and sound killer doing it, the other wont do anything really.