Welcome to the forum. Might I say that asking what home cinema system is best is like asking who is the best looking woman in the world. You'll get a wide variety of opinions depending on one's personal preferences. What's best is what works for your particular application and personal tastes.
You may want a network capable AVR to integrate your PCs into your AV system. Denon has a few models with network capability but they are rather pricey. If you stick with the Sony HTiB unit you mention you will likely want the TDM-NC1 option to allow networking of your laptops/PCs. One of your laptops could serve as an HTPC if it has the proper A/V connection capability.
Hey I know my woman looks the best.

The rest of yall just missed out.
I think we all lean towards what we know and have used/enjoyed. But I will say I don't suggest a Sony HTIB. If you want to go that route. I suggest you look for an Onkyo system. They tend to have better speakers and receivers IMO.
next question do you own a Router, and Saw. You could always build your own speakers

This is what I'm doing right now. As I type this. Taking a break but nearly done with all the cuts. I'm building A madisound Recession Buster Kit. They come in a pair with a crossover for like 70 or 80 bucks. Pair that with some 3/4" mdf or birch Ply and you can get the wood for 20 bucks. You may need to get a high tooth blade and some stryrofaom too. all in all thats maybe 120. Now can you find a comparable pair of speakers for 120. No. You would pay a bit more for all the marketing, labor, shipping, etc.
If you have the space and drive to DIY. You can build the sub's speakers and stands yourself. Then all you will need is a receiver/amp.