Best advice is...
Go try out as many in your price range as you can. What YOU like is more important than what the general consensus is. I know someone that recently bought a Bose system and he was genuinely proud and happy with this system... until I took him shopping for speakers

I'm not sure I did him a justice considering he was happy with what he had and may never get into sound more than he is now.
That said here are some headphones in your range:
AKG K 26 P $45~50 < sealed
AKG K 81 DJ $70~80 < sealed
Grado SR-80 $95 <open
Sennheiser HD 280 Pro $90~100 < sealed
Sony MDR-V6 (also MDR-7506) $79~99 <sealed
If you can expand your budget:
AKG K 501 $125~135 < open
Beyerdynamic DT-250 80 $180 < sealed
Sennheiser HD 555 $120~140 < open
Sennheiser HD 595 $199 < open
I've been auditioning the above and I find I like most of them enough to own them!
Check them out and keep something to write notes with you. In this case the effort is certainly worth it... they are your hears after all!