I was curious to get some educated feedback about the Focal speaker line.
A friend of mine who is well educated in audio engineering thinks extremely high of the brand (and he has access to listen to pretty much everything being he works @ Sound Advice).
Anyway, I am reading about all the hype on Axiom around here, and am really considering going with the Axiom 80/500 package. Bottom line is I won't be pulling the trigger on spealers for a while, and was just curious as to whether the two lines were comparable. Is Focal just a higher end speaker all together? am i comparing apples to oranges here?
While my boy works at Sound Advice, he's an audioholic his damn self, and he's a younger guy too, so he doesn't push sales on you, the kid has a genuine passion for the stuff and will literally wax on for hours about it.
I was just curious as to the forums thoughts on Focal, and how they compare to Axiom, or any other of the ines that this site thinks highly of...