The problem I have is which cables to buy???
Oh, your 'blurr' went over my head

I see it is not a picture issue but which cables to buy
For example I was looking at for s-video cable the monster m2000hdsv-1 meter, cost 150.00....and I looked at Blue Jeans s-video, yc-2 -3 feet for 33.00.
And they both make a living.

Yes, monster is way over priced, period. Their marketing practice is horrendous.
Is there a diff. in cables,or are both really the same?
Yes, visually and cost differences do exist. Electrical performance? Not enough to matter, period.
What do you think is the better cable?
Go for the BlueJeans, or look around and you'll find some for less, that are still equivalent at Target, WalMart, Radio Shack, etc.