<font color='#000000'>I just found this forum today, and I must say, I'm incredibly impressed with the knowledge base here! With that in mind, I have a question.
Recently, I've found myself in the market for a brand new speaker setup, and I think I've managed to narrow my choices down to two package deals that seem to fit my budget, but I'm completely unfamiliar with either brand I'm looking at... So basically I'm relying on reviews and specs on the internet. Is anyone familiar with either the Wharfedale Moviestar Diamond 800 Package (including 2 pair of Diamond 8.1 bookshelves, and a Diamond 8 Center, and which I've been able to find for about $550) or the Acoustic Research HC6 Package (which includes 4 satellites, a center and a sub as well, and I've found for around 400)?
Both packages are pretty similarly priced, and seeing as I already have a pretty nice Yamaha YST-SW205 subwoofer connected to an older Yamaha RX-V495 receiver, I don't think I need a package with a Sub... So I was already leaning toward the Wharfedales. Anyway, having a modest budget (I'm looking to stay within the $600 range for a 4 sat + center setup) I feel like I'm drowning in choices, and I don't think I can tell the pretty-good from the not-so-good... Does anyone have any advice for a wide eyed, gape-mouthed neophyte with champagne tastes and a beer budget? Particularly, does anyone have any experience with either of the products I've mentioned?
Thanks for any help you can give!!!</font>