6 Ohms will not be a problem with most Marantz.
The Wharfedales are 88dB sensitivity. So assuming the Infinities are much higher than that, that could very quickly account for the difference in output levels. Meaning, though they say they aren't a difficult load to drive, if the sensitivities are VERY different, then you will more or less need to crank it higher to get to the same level.
88dB isn't really low though, so I would suspect there is a problem with the receiver except for the fact that you say the Infinities still work fine.
Speaker cable will make zero difference as long as it is of sufficient AWG for the load and length and based on what you said, no more than 14AWG would be necessary.
Any chance you have another receiver or friend with a receiver who can test one or both of these speakers? How about if you connect only one of the Wharfedales?