As someone who lives in tornado alley, I cant imagine what it might feel like to live in a hurricane zone during an especially active hurricane cycle. At least with our tornado's, the damage is contained to extremely tight areas. Heck, I've never even seen a tornado with my own eyes.... Whereas, when a hurricane hits.........
I've spent many a sleepless night staying up to the wee hours watching tornado updates detailing tornado movement in the area, but I've been lucky because they've never been close enough to cause us to dive below ground level. The nighttime ones are the scariest, because those that catch people sleeping are certain to be killers. I couldnt imagine what it must be like to be awakened by an F-5 like the residents that small town in Kansas learned first hand last week.
PS.... I'll be in FLA for 10 days in June, so those hurricanes better stay the hell away!!