So I just moved about 2 weeks ago to my new, much smaller apartment in New York. I finally got everything set up in my living room in terms of equipment. Today I was playing with it, listening to cd's, poistioning and repositioning speakers just to tweak and see what works best in my new, much smaller room. In doing so, I was down on the floor adjusting my right speaker and noticed a weird sound coming from the area of my subwoofer. It's in the corner of the room near the right speaker. I put my head closer and closer and though that it might actually be coming from the subwoofer. I put my head right next to the driver (this is a Velodyne SPL800II) and sure enough, it was. It's like a very low, rumble-like sound...more like "wind" I guess. Imagine if you were trying to create a wind-like sound to foley into a movie...well this just might work. I did some experimenting to see if I could figure out what's going on.
First, off, I've found that it does not do this if there is no signal being fed. If it's just on, but I haven't pushed play on a CD/DVD yet, nothing. But, as soon as a signal is fed to it, the "wind/rumble" kicks in. Also, if I push stop or pause, or even turn off my receiver and dvd/cd player, the sound continues. So, it's only once a signal has been received by the sub.
Next, I tried unplugging it and plugging it into another outlet. This did nothing. Same sound.
Next, I went into my speaker set up and tried noodling there. I originally had my sub at +6db so that it kicks on more easily (i'm a small apartment so I can't get the sound cranking to make it auto-on). I flattened it, putting it back to 0db. No change. The sound is still there.
Now, my question is, is this normal? Do subs and their low frequency tendencies just emit this sort of sound when in use? In my previous apt., I was so far away from my sub cause the room was huge that I may have just never noticed it...that maybe it was there all along. Again, you have to get pretty close to it to notice it. It's not like I can hear it when I'm sitting on my couch. I had my head inches from the driver in order to hear it. Is this normal or is something screwy going on with my sub?