WDTV and Onkyo TX-SR706



Audioholic Intern
I have the WDTV Live and had been using it flawlessly for quite some time. I have it hooked up to my stereo VCR input. One day it started acting up and not wanting to display when I would switch from the CBL input to the WD TV on the VCR input. I figured possibly the VCR input was failing. So to test I put the cable box (uVerse) on the VCR input. It worked just fine, so I thought that it was just my WD TV had failed.

I went and bought the new WDTV Live Hub (which I find really nice b/c it has the integrated Netflix). Well I go to hook it up to the VCR input. No display again. I can hook the WDTV directly up to the TV and it works flawlessly so I know it is not the WDTV.

I know the VCR input works b/c when I hook up the cable box to it the picture comes on with zero issues. It is only when I hook up the WDTV to it that I can not get any display. I have also tried all the other inputs on this receiver and it will not work with the WDTV. What am I missing here??

Please help me I am about to flip out on this thing. Thanks guys.


I have a similar issue with my WDTV Live not working through an HDMI switch -- it only works when directly connected to the TV. Must be something with the HDMI handshaking?


Audioholic Intern
If I I unplug the wdtv while on the display for it and then plug it in a few seconds or minutes later I can sometimes get it to work and other times I just get the WD flash screen for a bit and then nothing.

i am thinking about just trying another receiver. What brand are you running?


I have an old Pioneer VSX-815 but I don't use it for video switching. Rather, I use a cheap HDMI switch. It passes my cable box and XBox signal just fine, but the WDTV won't go through it. Very frustrating...


Audioholic Intern
Anyone have a diagnosis for this issue? I am debating getting another receiver.


Holy thread resurrection.

anyway, I think you will find that the HDMI board capacitors are starting to fail, trying to switch 1080p content with the failing caps gives no display. If you switch your sources to 1080i or 720p will usually get you up and running.

Search youtube for onkyo 606 HDMI fix and you will find plenty of tips for fixing the HDMI board.

hth Dave.


Audioholic Intern
Thanks I will do that. However, I had a buddy that was getting rid of his Denon, and I just am using that now. All is well.

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