At the bottom of the page, .3% THD+ N is where clipping is measured. Nothing wrong with that number.
Also same old B.S. of testing at 1 kHz, holding the line voltage constant, etc. Gene has debunked that crap so many times it's not worth repeating.
Yes, he has. 1kH and 20-20kHz seems to be about 10%-15% difference. And, these test method is applied to all those amps equally, right? So, you can see how well they performed with this testing protocol.
You lower THD at clipping, all amps will deliver less. You measure 20-20k will reduce all amps proportionally, right? Also, when it clips, most likely you don't have music covering the audio band fully, 20-20k, nor is it at one frequency only but somewhere in-between. So, I would say, there might be a 7% difference with half band?
It is not the same as if one amp is measure one way and another another way.
I don't mind one bit if people prefer HK receivers for any reason under the sun, but the notion that '55 HK watts are like 100 Onkyo/Denon/Yamaha watts' is entirely ridiculous - watts are watts.