I'll take a slight stab at this and hope others might add to it.
first off, those watts you give us for your speakers tell us how much power they are rated to be able to handle and have virtually nothing to do with how loud they will play, given a certain power.
That's where sensitivity comes in, and while you mention it in your heading, you say nothing about it in the body of your message.
Anyhow, a speaker with a higher sensitivity rating will play louder at a certain power level than one with a lower rating.
All else being equal, a mere three decible difference in a speakers sensitivity rating can either double or halve the power needed for a certain power level.
Likewise, the settings on the volume control have very little relationship as to actually how many "watts" are being fed to the speakers, particularly when comparing one manufacturer to anotheer.
i.e... all else being equal, a speaker with an 88 db seneitivity rating will require twice the power of a speaker rated at 91 db to play at the same level.