I only read the first page, but I think the main author (SoundHound) gives conflicting information.
- He says the test tones on a receiver are 'filtered' and only contain one octave of pink noise around 1 kHz. That would mean it only contains frequencies from 500 Hz (one octave below) to 2 kHz (one octave above). I don't quite follow that because it is not the definition of pink noise. Pink noise is full bandwith random noise with the characteristic that each octave over the entire range is at an equal amplitude. As far as I know, all receivers follow the THX recommendation and use full bandwidth pink noise measured using the Long Term A Weighted average.
- He says to use the A weighting on the SPL meter because it makes the meter more sensitive to the mid frequencies. That is backwards. The C weighting makes the meter more sensitive to the mids because it more closely matches human hearing - we are not as sensitive to changes in amplitude at very low and very high frequencies.
- He says to calibrate with the sub off because the receiver's bass managment will route frequencies below the xover to the sub. Well, if you are going to use a sub, you want calibration to be done with the sub in play. Besides, AVIA's LFE test track plays the tone in both the fronts and the sub because that is how you will be using it and you want to calibrate for a seamless transition from the mains to the sub - not calibrate in isolation and then after the fact calibrate the sub. This recommendation was to avoid having the other channels too high or low but that is exactly what you will get if you calibrate one way with A weighting and sub off and then switch to C weighting with the sub on.
- He makes the common mistake of saying that 'reference level' is the level at which the mastering engineer intended it to be heard. Reference Level is defined by Dolby as 105 dB peaks at the listening level and to arrive at that level you use a -20 dB full bandwidth pink noise signal and adjust the levels so that the meter reads 85 dB (85+20=105).
BUT, reference level can be anything you want. It is simply a level from which everything else is relative. If you calibrate to Dolby Reference Level at 0 dB on the volume dial, then when the dial reads -10 dB you are 10 dB below reference. If you decide you want 0 dB to be 75 dB at 0dB on the dial, then -10 dB on the dial is still 10 dB below 'reference'.
The recommended way to calibrate from Dolby and THX and practically anyone else you will read is to use C weighting, Slow response and calibrate to a level of your choosing - 105 dB if you want to match Dolby reference level or any other number you want.
Note: The AVIA narrative suggests using 75 dB as the target. Given that the tones are at -20 dB (per Dolby standards) you would need to hit 85 dB to get Dolby Reference Level. They suggest 75 dB only because for a small HT room, real Dolby Reference Level is extremly loud. If you were to use the receiver tones or the DVE disc, you would have to target 65 dB to match the AVIA suggestion because those tones are at -30 dB.
Also be aware that you only get those SPLs when the input signal averages -20 dB or -30 dB (whichever tone you used). Play a modern hyper-compressed CD where the average level is closer to -10 dB and it will be MUCH louder.