OK. Working on calibrating the room and receiver. I'll play with EQ settings later, not too much worried about that now. My concern, is volume and level setting.
While its not the absolute reason for this, I often caught my wife sneaking up the volume to deadly levels when I was not looking (god love her, she even likes it louder than I do, one reason we will stay married through death and defness). And she will do this on the subwoofers as well.
Lucky for the distortion lights on the amp that drives my fronts. When they start intermittently showing red I know we could be on iffy ground in terms of how much is being put out. If they are solid red, in my mind something will break before long and the volume is turned down immediately.
So with a Receiver, a separate mains amp with gains, and 2 powered subs would this be a correct approach?
1. I used a few CDs and DVDs that I sort of consider reference in terms of volume levels. An average output for me. I know some recordings are going to be much lower and a few might be louder. The ones I chose were on the louder end.
2. My receiver gos from -80dB to +12dB on the volume scale. Using my so called reference discs I set the front amp gains at a level where if I approach 0.0 dB on my main volume on the receiver its loud. About as loud as you might want it without distortion. You have a couple twists of the knob available and it will still sound good, but for the most part you know you are in some very loud territory after 0.0dB. I don't know anything about this, I just thought that might seem like a logical place for reference. One, I can tell her, never touch the front gains, and watch it once you approach 0.0dB on the receiver.
So here are the questions:
1. Given what I stated above, am I ready to calibrate?
2. What effect will the volume settings on my powered subs have during an automatic calibration with the receiver? I just set them at 3 quarters up before calibrating, cuz I don't know. What's the advice there?
3. Once calibrated, can I adjust/tweak this whole thing up or down the scale of volume by using a manual ch level adjustment. In other words if I add plus or minus say 1dB on all my channels, is it relavtive? Or does 1dB setting on a front left speaker not equal same on a surround speaker and are things thrown off?