Voltage stabilization, balanced power and the Monster plot for world domination



Junior Audioholic
Okay, the last part of the title was fancyful, and has little to do with my question, or does it?

I just read through an article on voltage stabilization and power balancing.
Is power balancing the same as power conditioning?


Can this be accomplished with a Monster HTPS 7000 and an AVS 2000? Are there other options for voltage stabilization, which are cheaper and not supporting the monsterous empire?


I have a basic monster power center,

http://www.monstercable.com/power/productPagePower.asp?pin=1901&LastPage=Home Theater Power

Is it worth getting a voltage stabilizer and pluging it in to the monster power center that I have, or does one need a better power conditioner to make voltage stabilization worth the investment?

I live in an apartment building built in the 60s. My setup is found in my sig below.

So, what's up with power conditioning, power balancing, voltage stabilization, and the power demands of a system?


Full Audioholic
My thoughts on Voltage Stabilzation are here.

There's actually plenty of threads on this topic :)


Junior Audioholic
I've read that conversation and understand it now. Thanks

How about the difference between power conditioning and power balancing...as was indicated in the sterophile article that I linked to in my first post.


Full Audioholic
Power Conditioning is the removal of EMF or RFI interference on the power line. This can be seen as 'garbage' on the sine wave.

Check out this graphic to see what I mean.

The way Monster (and other products work) is they have the incoming wall AC go through an Isolation Transformer to give the electrical coming into the unit a clean sine wave clear of noise.

Then, each (set, usually) of outlets has their own Isolation Filter, so you wont get noise on the power inside the unit. An Isolation Filter is basically a very scaled down version of an Isolation Transformer.

Power BALANCING on the other hand, as the article states, is stepping up or down the incoming VOLTAGE to be exactly 120v, no matter the incoming signal (to an extent).


Senior Audioholic
I use volatge stabilizers for one simple reason. I have dimmers on many of the lights in my house, including those in my HT and audio rooms. Sure, getiing rid if the dimmers would be cheaper, but I don't want to make that aesthetic compromise. Without the stabilizers, I would hear a noticeable hum in my system when the lights were partially dimmed. That hum is now completely gone.


Junior Audioholic
Thanks, I have on last question for the wisemen...or whoever knows there S*IT

The two models listed below are identical except for maximum line current per phase. One has 12A and 15A, does this mean that one has a lower wattage output since watt = amps * volts?


That link is to a page with both models listed. A comparision between the two is done by bringing up the page for one model and then selecting compare.

Thanks again


spider_duggan said:
Thanks, I have on last question for the wisemen...or whoever knows there S*IT

The two models listed below are identical except for maximum line current per phase. One has 12A and 15A, does this mean that one has a lower wattage output since watt = amps * volts?


That link is to a page with both models listed. A comparision between the two is done by bringing up the page for one model and then selecting compare.

Thanks again
Yes one is 1kva and the other is 1.5 kva.

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