Video Scaling - DVDO iScan HD+



I've been researching DVDO's iScan HD+ video scaler. Since everyone is making a hoopla about Denon's 5910 with the DVDO scaling engine inside, I thought that instead of plunking down $4,500 CDN and having HD DVD obsoleting it in a year or two, why not get a separate component that will benefit everything?

Anyone use a video scaler? I understand it acts as a video switching device with the added benefit of taking the input signal (480i, 480p, 1080i...), converting it to the native resolution of the display (say 1080i), then feeding a digital signal via DVD-I. I believe all displays do this internally, so I'm wondering if the benefits justify the scaler's hefty $2,099 CDN price?

Any thoughts or opinions?


Audioholic Warlord
Keeping in mind that simple line doublers (480i to 480p converters) used to cost over $10,000.00 for a Faroudja unit, the DVDO is an excellent value.

I used to have a DVDO doubler which I picked up for around 500 bucks and it worked great. I needed RGBHV (5 wire) and it provided it for me. A company that specializes in video processing like DVDO tends to have a firm grasp of the technologies that allow for optimal picture quality. So, film detection, color controls, sharpness, etc., can all be setup within their unit and a conversion from interlaced to progressive scan happens cleanly.

Is it worth it considering that your display device already does scaling internally to convert the received signal to the native resolution of the display? Well, obviously, it depends on the quality of the scaler inside the display device.


Full Audioholic
I am glad some is posting about this because I am seriously considering it too and am trying to grasp what he bennefit is. What would be the biggest visually noticable difference between a good scaler like the DVDO and a poor scaler? Since my plasma has a native resolution of 768P and the DVDO can scale to exactly that what difference would I notice in the picture quality if I say run a denon 1910 or 2910 through it? Anyone done a comparison?

I do like the idea of running all video sources through it with only one DVI output going to the monitor. Can I run my PC video out through the DVDO and have it converted to run the the DVI too???

My plasma is HD but does not display 720p, but would it display a video signal that is 768p?

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