I am on the verge of buying an AVR. I have narrowed it down to the Pioneer 1021 or the Denon 1912. I have gone back and forth on which one to get and am currently leaning towards the Denon because most say that its audio is better and easier to calibrate. The only concern is that I have read several reviews that indicated that the Denon has poor video processing and has caused picture degradation. Is this really any issue? I currently have a Samsung 52in HD TV and a Motorola HD Comcast cable box. The HD is really sharp and I don't want to buy an amp that will lesson the picture quality. I also read a lot of reviews that praised the Pioneer for its video processing, which is one of the reasons that I keep going back and forth b/w the 2. Will the Pioneer actually improve my HD programming?
Please let me know if this is a legit concern. Also, I am a noob, so please let me know how the video processing works in AVR's. I don't follow why the picture would come out worse than it went in.