Don't worry, the Z9 of course has this function as well. However, it only works when presence speakers are installed. Dialogue lift takes some of the dialogue (and other information) from the center channel and sends it to the presence speakers. For someone like me with a 92" 16x9 screen it really helps move the dialogue upwards a little bit and totally anchors the front channels to the screen. The dialogue really follows the characters across the screen much more smoothly than using the center alone. I find anything over a level of 2 (range 1 to 5) to be excessive however. On a smaller screen this is probably not helpful what so ever. On a screen ~50" or over, I think anyone would see a huge difference. If you don't have presence channels connected to the Z9, your immediate assignment is to go buy a pair and hook them up. They make a H U G E difference in the front soundfield.