Subwoofer solution
Like many here, I have accumulated audio equipment for decades. I recently decided to try two old AR3As(bought in 1969) as subwoofers and after reading a post about using a Radio Shack SPL meter and a Rivas Test CD 2 to check the system, I got those items and did the drill. I had always thought that the AR3As were good down to about 40 hz. The AR spec sheet shows they are down 5db at 30hz and down about 12 db at 20hz. With the Rivas CD that has 30 bands with LF bands at 20hz, 25hz. 31.5 hz, 40hz etc. I found that they do go all the way down. With the volume set so 1000hz registered 80db on the SPL meter, the 40 hz tone registered 75, 31.5 registered 81db, 25 hz registered 72 db and 20 hz registered 74 db.
I turned up the bass control part way and ran it again(still with 1000hz at 80db). This time 40hz registered 84db, 31.5hz was 88db, 25hz was 87db and 20 hz was 81db.
I've never knowingly heard anything that low. 25hz and 20hz rattled the furniture and felt like an earthquake. Out of curiosity I set the volume so 1000hz registered 90db, then replayed the test CD. The speakers held up well at 25 hz but at 20 hz the cone fluttered but couldn't load the air.
The CD was played through a Pioneer Elite 91 TXH receiver connected through the pre out to an old Audio Control C22 equalizer(turned off) to an old Carver M500 amp feeding the AR3As.
So if you have some good old speakers and don't want to buy a subwoofer, try using the old ones. They made good speakers in those days.