I also was just recently in that same dillemma, as the choices are so limited for Pre/Pro's, at a resonable price bracket. I ended up with a full Paradigm Studio setup, and wanted the power to drive them properly and also have the ability to use something as video switching device.. I ended up getting a Pioneer Elite VSX-81 and a Rotel 1095.
I am extremely happy with the results that I can Upscale to HDMI, and have just 1 cable out to my plasma. Works and Sounds Fantastic!!!
I made my choice of a receiver as a temp pre/pro until they work out the wrinkles and come out with more HDMI products, after they work out some of the bugs related to that.
You might also want to check out for more info at AVSforum.com, head into the audio section. Lots of people in the same predictament, with the lack of HDMI pre/pros.
I got my amp used off audiogon and reciever at wholesale, so both for under 2K.