Actually, no, I had not had my "coffee" yet, but I noticed the low post number and thought a welcome might be in order anyway.
Understood. Also please understand my dry sense of is humor nonetheless.
As for the Panamax vs. APC, that Panamax is a very nice unit; for 10 times the price of the unit I recommended, it should be. However, not everyone is in the position to blow $2000 on a glorified power strip without re-financing their house first.
Understood. But also understand that one
is absolutely blowing their money on a regulator that allows 40 volt fluctuations. It is simply useless with a 40 volt pass through. I thought the op was unaware of this huge allowance, and I brought his attention to it. Also understand that one
cannot buy a decent ht voltage regulator for $200, or even $400.
As his OP discussed the Belkin PF-60, I figured something in a similar range would be appropriate. However I DID miss the fact that he has a tv with a bulb that needs cooling in the event of a power something like the APC J-15 (around $400)would be more appropriate.
Understood. But also understand that whilst those units are very nice protectors, they are essentially useless as a voltage regulator since they allow a 40 volt pass through.
Finally, people need to understand that regular fluctuations like that are not normal in most circumstances...although they do occur with frequency in some regions. In that case, the utility company ought to be first consulted to ascertain proper wiring and connections. Then the home ought to be inspected for bad grounds, loose connections or bad outlets. The final resort (imho) out to be a regulator. Anyhow, I'm sure he's appreciates your suggestions, and hopefully mine. I'm off for some more coffee.