With alot of higher end speakers available though Facebook etc I figured I should upgrade my system.
I currently have a
Onkyo TX NR708 with a Denon avr 1808 as a amp
A pair of Infinity interlude il60s towers
Infinity Interlude 25c for center
4 infinity hts-sat as front wide and sides
And two JBLs M10s for the back surround
I mostly listen to rock and watch movies, in a Rectangular 20 x 36 room
I figured the first thing to upgrade are the infinity sats, but I don’t know if I should get monitor speakers or reference type ect
if I should stay with bookshelf type speakers or switch to a couple more towers, and what crossover range should they have for there placement in the room and use. Or am I looking at this way to much.
I was hoping someone could give some suggestions so I can get a idea of what type of speakers I should be looking for. None of this was taken into Consideration the first time around
I want to be able to upgrade speakers over time and want to make sure it will all “match”
thank you