Hi Guys,
This is my fist post here and will be one of many to come. This is such a great site and I love the info.
Here is my current situation....
I have an HK 7200 now, but am wondering if I would benefit at all by going to a new receiver. I have been looking at the BA AVR 7120 and the Yamaha RX-V2600. Dont get me wrong, my HK is nice, but I am just not getting that Pop out of my system that I want. Please advise.
I just want a little more out of it than what I have now. I am open to all suggestions.
My setup is as follows:
HK 7200
Denon DVD-2910
Axiom M60s (Front)
Axiom VP-150 (Center)
Axiom QS-8's (Rears)
SVS 20-39PC+ (Sub)