Hi Hoops,
First as others have said don’t worry about having enough HDMI inputs on the reciever, even if you do need more later you can get an inexpensive ($40-$50) HDMI switch that can handle anything you throw at it and is programmable into a universal remote. I got mine from Monoprice.
I haven’t heard the Focals you are looking at but have heard the Chorus line and thought that they sounded spectacular. Very accurate and detailed but are likely to make anything but good recordings sound like crap. The SIB and Chorus are very different but at least I can say that Focal makes some nice sounding speakers. However, based on how the Chorus speakers sounded to me I can’t see how for the price the SIB speakers will hold a candle to many similarly priced traditional bookshelf speakers as jcPanny suggests.
If full size bookshelf speakers are a no-go do to size SVS also makes a system with fairly small satellite speakers you might look at. I nearly got them for my apartment until I decided just to go with full size speakers and not play them loud.
I have to say that I wasn‘t impressed by the Focal subwoofer that went with the Chorus line. It sounded just ok with music but was severally lacking the punch I wanted for home theater. Another vote for a different brand as already recommend above.
Unless space is an absolute premium I thing you will be much happier in the long run getting more traditional bookshelf speakers and a better subwoofer. If price is also an issue then you might consider upgrading incrementally rather than all at once.