Hey guys... It's been a minute

On to the question.
I put together an Vinyl stereo listening system and I am really enjoying it. Treasure hunting for good LP's is a lot of fun. Here is a list of what I am running
Music Hall MMF 2.2 ttl special edition
Marantz Model 2238B
What I intend on picking up in the future
Emotiva BASX Pre-pro with the PT-100 pre and A300 Stereo Amplifier
a Schiit Mani Phono stage
and possibly a Project speed box for the turntable.
However I am considering an Emotiva TA100 integrated.
So I have read quite a few places that if I give the LS50's more power they will open up more, and sound a lot better. However I dont know if it is as important for me as I am doing mostly near field listening at distances of about 5 feet. The Marantz works good for now, however it is older then I am, and is showing a few age quirks. Rather then service it I think I would get a more modern preamp with a subwoofer out.
So should I get the TA-100 and be happy with the lower power output, or should I get the the A500 and use the Marantz as a pre-amp until I get the Emotiva pre-amp later.
Ill add pictures later on...