I can see how letting kids transgender might seem strange and maybe a tad on the wrong side, but I would never tell an individual or a family what they should or should not do. For adults? I could care less. Wanna become a girl, go for it. Wanna be gay, have fun. I live by one code that if everyone else lived by the world would be a better place. Dont worry what your neighbors are doing. Its none of our business and doesn't even effect us anyways.
That's exactly the daft spineless thinking that panders to loony loud mouthed minorities that is creating all kinds of grief. And I can tell you one thing I sure as hell do not want to pay for the idiocy, which we all are now.
We had the absolute height of this lunacy in the UK just a few days ago.
An idiotic criminal transgendering to female, but still possessing his offending organ, was convicted of a crime. Thanks to the loony left, and yes they are daft, you by law can choose to go to the prison of the gender "you identify" with. Well this tosser of a bloke went to a female prison as per his own self report of being female. Before you could say "Jack Robinson" the tosser had raped several fellow female inmates with penetration with said offending organ..
I'm glad to say that this looser is now languishing in a male prison where I trust his fellow inmates are meeting out his just deserts.
Here is a comment from a chap who has already sacrificed his offending organ. Actually I have a more descriptive for this type of mutilation. Anyhow this is what he wrote in response to this article.
Gussy Scrotch 16 Sep 2018 2:01PM
I'm transgender and a mature adult.
Yet I am profoundly against this irreversible gender identifying in children. Obviously I'm all for the trans agenda to the effect it makes life more tolerable for people like me in the same way the gay movement did for gay people.
But I'm afraid I believe it has gone too far with children - there are very rare cases where a young child can sufficiently display obvious and clear symptoms they are genuinely trans. But the vast majority of these children in this vast increase are probably not, in my opinion, genuinely trans - they are still exploring life and all its weird spectrum as thrust down their throat in the current tsunami of pro-LGBT propaganda.
Hell, as a child I wanted to be in the mafia cos I secretly saw The Godfather and thought it was "cool". Young minds are too malleable and too easily swayed the 'wrong' way for completely the wrong reasons. Of course some child who is unsure of his/her gender identity at a young age is going to jump on a label if it fits at that time - only to find several years later they have changed their whole mindset to quite the opposite.
By all means please keep public awareness of the issue alive, but this almost pro-active seeking out of trans children in schools is just too far. Genuine trans people, in the right social environment, will naturally emerge as they approach maturity and they can then seek out the help they need. At the moment it seems as if children are being actively plucked out just to fill an LGBT quota.
I fear things like this are doing more harm than good to the trans movement.
Make no mistake we are on the road to Bedlam.