Building a new house, and wanting to run some wire to a couple rooms for sound, before drywall goes up.
The wire I have is 14ga, but I can get 12 if that might work better.
The wire will be run along the perimeter wall through studs and joists, and at the longest length, should be 60 feet or less.
The setup I was thinking:
[audio source] -> [stereo receiver] -> [splitting of speaker wire] -> [in-line volume control on both sets of wires] -> [speaker set A and B]
What I need to know, is if this configuration would work... and how I could split things properly.
Having terminals sounds like an easy approach, but I'm not sure how effective that is. Splitting connections for a subwoofer in each set of speakers might prove to be challenging.
Need to take a theoretical approach though, because I don't have any specifications on my stereo receiver, or speakers. Assume the speakers are 8ohm.