I am a newb and have a stupid question to ask. I have made several posts to pick a sub and had decided on the PB13-ultra. However I need to ask. . . How would 2 LFM-1 Ex's (about 1K including shipping ) stack up to one PB13-Ultra (1700.00 delivered. I know the price difference. This will be used for 99% HT. I live in a townhouse for now. The room is 13X41X8 = 4,264 cu ft.
Thought? will it be close? This room is pretty big.
A room diagram is here
Saving $700 is an interesting idea but is it worth it and will I be happy?
If you are really interested in using your $$$ to get the most product/performance, for the same cost as a PB13ULTRA, you have two options that have different bentfits.
ALTERNATE OPTION 1 You could buy two of the 3 cubic foot sealed Parts Express pre-built/pre-finished cabinets. Cut a hole in each. Install an Eclipse SW8200 subwoofer in each. Drive the pair with a 700 x 2 watt Yamaha P5000S amplifier. Use a Behringer DCX2496 for the xover and compensation/correction EQ system.
You will have higher overall output with this pair (about 50% - 70% more SPL) as compared to a single PB13ULTRA at 27Hz and over. At 20Hz and under, the SPL will be about the same as a single PB13ULTRA. Being a sealed system with a gradual roll off, you will get in-room -3, -4 dB in the range of 16-18Hz.
For music, stereo subwoofers is going to more easily integrate with your main speakers for a seamless transition. If you use the DCX2496 to it's fullest ability, a seamless transition is guaranteed. You should ideally run your main L, R (or L, R and C if this is a surround set up) through the DCX as well as the subwoofer. It has a far more sophisticated and capable xover as compared to the one built into your reciever which is very limited and can not match the relative acoustic slopes properly, but the DCX can.
ALTERNATE OPTION 2 Buy a single of the Parts Express 3 cubic foot cabinets instead of one. Install an Audio Pulse AXIS 15" and use a bridged Behringer EP2500 amplifier to drive it. Use a DCX2496 as the xover and EQ compensation system. This will outperform the PB13ULTRA in every possible way - not even a fair comparison. However, being a single sub instead of 2, the potential integration with your mains is not as high for music.
Both options above require zero construction, no soldering. Just cut a hole in a pre-painted and pre-finished cabinet. Throw in some acoustic dampening material. Screw in driver. Hook up wires. Both options fit in the budget of a new PB13ULTRA and both both outperform it. One option is for maximum music SQ(the duals) and the other is for maximum SPL and lowest THD.