And all I can say is wow... I love it. I left my receiver's default crossover at 80hz ever since I setup my system. Everything was great, but frequently would get some definte directional sound coming from the sub. And then a couple of days ago I was reading a thread about how 80hz is ok/good, but really 60hz is better. At 80hz you can get some directional sound coming from the sub.
Sure enough, when I tweeked the receiver down to 60hz crossover and then threw in a number of assorted CD's it sounded SO much better... The room just filled with bass vs, getting the feeling as if the bass is coming from behind the couch (where the pb10-isd is)
I'm not sure when I did it, but my fronts were set to Large... I bumped them back to Small. A couple of times when I was testing the crossover, I powered off the base... those 2 fronts even sound AWESOME when they only go down to 60hz!!!
So so happy.
I'm sure there are other speakers that are good out there, and I'm sure it's a typical occurance that a person thinks their speakers are the best... But I don't forsee myself swapping out my speakers for a long long time... Since the amount of money I'd need to shell out for the speakers would be most likely in the 1.5k range or so.
Anyways, enough of me ramlbing
Athena AS-F2, AS-R1, AS-C1, SVS PB10-ISD
yamaha rx-v 550