Pretty darn impressive for a 50-watt, 8" sub! I have the crossover set pretty low at about 50 Hz, to fill in the bottom end. I left my ratshack meter at a friend's house, so I'm setting levels by ear (ha!), but so far so good.
My biggest problem is my whole system Due to ongoing construction, instead of my Parasound 2205 as an amp, I'm running my Parasound AVC-1800 preamp into an old HK AVR-20, which I use as an amp (the AVR-20 has no sub-out). I'll set-up my beast when we finish the trim.
So far though, the ASW-8 is more than holding its own with my Micro Walsh Talls. Not sure if I'll ever be able to integrate tone and timbre properly with a sub like this, but the deeper bass is more satisfying. It's fulfilling the need I had sonically, and that's quite an accomplishment.