Good info. So all of them have to be passed via HDMI. I thought TrueHD and DTS-MA were formats and PCM was more of the type of transfer, but I guess from what you're saying it's just another format like the other two. So I guess if one of the best sounding discs from reviews that I've read is Black Hawk Down, then what the real need or advantage to having the other two. I mean why bother putting these other formats out?
Not exactly, the output of all analog audio to digital conversions start out as PCM. Some disks like BHD use this PCM track. TrueHD & DTS HD-MA are codecs that take PCM and convert it to a compressed, but lossless, digital format. In your receiver, the TrueHD & DTS HD-MA are converted back to the origianal PCM. If the source disk is PCM, then that is passed straight through to the receiver's DACs for the final conversion back to analog audio.
Therefore, PCM = TrueHD or DTS HD-MA. The advanage of the two compressed, but lossless, formats are that they save space on the Blu-ray disk vs. PCM, which does take considerably more space.
All three should sound the same when the final audio reaches your ears, but you will read that some prefer one format over the others for their own reasons. I am also sure that if you ask Dobly Labs or DTS they will say that their formats are better - - marketing.
In any case, it should make no difference to you which of the three formats a particular Blu-ray disk uses unless your system cannot not decode one of them (usually DTS HD-MA, which was the last one developed and requires more processing power as I understand it).