I recently purchased a Yamaha RX-V663 and a pair of TST3's from theSpeakerCompany. I hooked everything together with some 12 AWG speaker cable from the folks at BlueJeansCable and fired it up. This is my first serious home auido experience, so I really don't know what to expect.
I have my mp3 player hooked up to the receiver through an RCA-to-mini cable (of unknown origin), which is attached to the "CD" port on the back of the receiver. Everything seems to be a little bit muddier than I was thinking it would be, and the treble sounds a bit harsh, or over-emphasized.
As a comparison, I hooked up my Playstation 2 (the only thing that I have that functions as a CD player within eyeshot of the receiver) to the "CD" bank on the receiver and popped in a CD. The audio clipped in and out at some frequencies, and it was very quiet. When I connected it to the "DVD" bank, the volume increased, the clipping-in-and-out issue went away, the sound quality improved, and seemed more balanced. The sound quality also sounded notably better than my mp3 player, even when my mp3 player was hooked into the "DTV" bank.
I have a feeling that I'm in need of some fairly basic education here.
1. Should there be any difference between any of the audio banks on the receiver, or is it possible that I have a flaky connection on the "CD" bank?
2. Would any of the RCA ports on my receiver be better than any of the others for attaching an MP3 player? Also, what's the best way to get mp3s into my receiver? I have a decent library of .ogg's and .mp3s, and I'd like to be able to surf through them without getting off my couch.
Many thanks!