...on the "High End" by Dr. Earl Geddes, AES. It's a small .pdf file. It's based on his experiences exhibiting his speakers at an audio show.
Click to download
Some gems:
"I really have to admire those privileged few who could hear the difference between $220 of electronics and thousands of dollars of electronics. These people have the advantage of be able to spend all that extra money admiring something that most others can’t even perceive. That’s a rare and privileged group."
"...to me, there are three things in audio playback that make up 95-99% of the experience; the speakers, the room, and the speaker to room interface. Everything else falls into the “negligible” category; audible by some - probably; statistically significant across a large population - I doubt it. So go ahead and argue about the audibility of cables or what-not, I’m really not interested. It’s so hard to get that crucial 95% right that I don’t have the time, and especially the money, to worry much about the other 5%."
FWIW, I was one of the experimental subjects for the blind test of his speaker prototypes. They are now in production and called the
"Summa". If you have or are contemplating a large HT they're worth serious consideration, but AFAIK there are no dealers carrying them yet. Other than that and the fact that we are both members of the same audio club I have no affiliation with Dr. Geddes.