

Audioholic Samurai
So, I've been a little absent from the forum lately and I figured I would pass along this sad story -

As many of you may know, I spent 8 years in the military, serving in the Navy's Nuclear Power program. A good buddy of mine, who I have known since we first left boot camp (went through school together, and finished out our service at the same command), committed suicide a couple of days ago, by way of a self-inflicted gun shot wound. This was a person of genuine character, dedication, and always strove to be the best at whatever he was doing, the kind of pride that these days is sadly a lost art form.

Details are very scant at this point, all I do know is that he had been having a very difficult time in his personal life lately due to a woman he had been dating for a couple of years since leaving the service - I can only speculate, and do not intend to infer that there is a cause and effect based on this knowledge. He was never the kind of person to cop out on anything in life, and wouldn't throw in the towel unless someone had to throw it in for him. That is why this whole thing is so perplexing at this point, I never would have imagined him doing such a thing, no matter how bad it got.

At any rate, as you can imagine I am stunned, shocked and at a complete loss... the grief hasn't hit me yet, because I'm still struggling to realize that it's real at this point.

If anyone feels like offering up a few prayers and thoughts for a complete stranger that never came anywhere near this forum, please do so - I would appreciate it immensely, and his family could use all the prayers they can get. :)



Thats very sad news. I am sorry to hear about that. His family as well as yourself are in my prayers.........:(
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Wow Halon I am very sad to hear about your friend. My thoughts go out to you and his family.

Don't place blame on yourself. I'm sure if you would known the extent of his issues you would have done everything in your power to help him. Take care.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
That is so tragic and sad. Its a very helpless feeling and you always believe that you could of made a difference, if somehow you knew. I have also known someone who finally succumb to his battle with depression leaving behind his wife and a couple of kids. However, at this particular point all you can do is reflect on the good times and remember your friend for what he was and not what became of him.

Otherwise good luck and best wishes, Bill:)


Audioholic Jedi
Damn, sorry to hear it. Like Billy said, keep him alive through the good memories. Don't let it be a negative.


Audioholic Spartan
That's very sad news.
Compounded by the fact he sounds like an accomplished man.

It's ironic how when were in the right frame of mind, something like this is so senseless.
Contrasted by someone becoming mentally isolated; and suicide, slowly looking like a way out.
Everyone will be in our prayers tonight.


Audioholic Samurai
I've suffered the loss of family members before, and even a good friend of mine way back in high school - nothing ever prepares you for this kind of news, and in some ways you feel cheated out of the chance to try and offer some kind of help, assistance, or even a shoulder to cry on. With that said, it's very true that I should not blame myself, and I don't - nor does any of my other friends who have been deeply affected by this, but at the same time you still want to wish you had been there to redirect him at his lowest point so this senseless tragedy might have been avoided.

I appreciate all the kind words of support guys - I'll likely be out of the loop here on AH for a few days obviously, while I make do with this situation, travel plans to attend the funeral, etc.

It's still not even real yet - can't get my head around it...


Audioholic Jedi
I have not had to deal with it directly (at least not this type of situation), but I had a friend who's father did the same and it was horrible to watch what their family had to go through. There is simply nothing you can say to someone in a situation like this except to lend support.

My brother was in a bad way last year, and though not to the extreme of what could happen, his condition was potentially fatal. He made it and is fine now, but it was really scary - that same helpless feeling.


Audioholic Warlord

Words can't express how sorry I am to read about the loss of your friend. My condolences go to his family, and to you.


Audioholic Spartan

My thoughts go out to your friend his family and to you and yours...these things are not easily understood...



Suicide is hard. I had a close friend several years back take his own life after he got himself into some trouble. On one hand, I was crushed, on the other, angry and betrayed.

It's just so tragic. There's not a whole lot anyone can ever say to ease the pain and loss. My best wishes to you, his friends, and family.


My loving support and prayers go out to you and his family.


Audioholic Overlord
Halon, I have noticed you have not been posting much as of late. I am so very sorry to hear about your friend. From the very bottom of my heart, please accept my condolences to your friend's family as well as yours Halon. I will be praying for all of you. If, I can be of any assistance to you feel free to send me a PM.




Audioholic Overlord

You and your friend's family are in my prayers.


Audioholic Jedi
Halon, I'm very sorry to read about your friend. Best wishes go out to you and your friends.


Seriously, I have no life.
I feel you pain. I lost a sister some years back in a similar manner.


Audioholic Warlord
Halon this is absolutely..... No way to comprehend......

There is no way to even realize what your friend has been going through and if there's anything I can do..... You know where I am my friend, send me an email or whatever !!!!!

Guess the only thing in such we can do in such a situation is to try be strong and look to the future, sometimes very very hard, but the only thing that makes sense, I reckon.

So hang in there......



Audioholic Spartan

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.

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