Not only that, but many computer manufacturers are fully behind Blu-Ray. Dell, HP, etc.. their computers will start launching with Blu-Ray burners next year. When it comes to computer usage, HD-DVD has no advantage whatsoever.. it's all about space, and Blu-Ray has more.
The PS3 thing is a much bigger deal than many people seem to think. It's the Trojan Horse thing. In the form of a video game machine, Sony will flood the market with millions of Blu-Ray players. And they're going to make damn sure that every Tom, ****, and Harry knows it. HD-DVD may have the early start, but this time next year, it'll be the Blu-Ray movies that are flying off the shelves while the HD-DVD movies collect dust. And when people start asking why such-and-such a movie isn't on Blu-Ray, why they should have to spend many hundreds of dollars on an HD-DVD player when they already have a Blu-Ray player at home (in Little Johnny's PS3), the studios will start listening. While companies like Sony-owned Columbia and MGM will probably never release anything on HD-DVD, the other companies like Warner Bros and New Line will start releasing on both formats. And HD-DVD will simply fade away, forgotten. It'll take time, but it'll happen. That little PS3 may not mean much to some people, but that move could very well win this war for Blu-Ray.