I get concerned about this from time to time.
Synch 1's, B's, and C, are all 4 ohm speakers.
5250V2 New Classic is 385x5 @ 4 ohm 250x5 @8 ohm is powering all of the above.
For whatever reason when I bought my gear, I was under the impression that the C and B's were 8 ohm, dropping a more manageable 250W load across them? This is not the case as they are all 4 ohm speakers getting the brunt of the amplifiers power.
Synch Bs: 15-150W
Synch C: 15-200W
Am I asking for trouble with this setup? Things sound really good at reference levels (0 dB) on the preamplifier, but could I be doing damage that isn't audible? I have subs so all of my speakers including my main are set to "small" and crossed over at 80 Hz. I hope I'm worrying about nothing
I've always heard its better to overpower than to underpower, but that can only be true to a point. How can you tell if amplifier is clipping/damaging speakers without an Oscilliscope?
If I add a set of Synch S's, may it be worth exploring another 5-channel amplifier with more appropriate power output for the my smaller speakers, sell the big 5-channel, and get a higher-end 2-channel for my mains?