Hi guys and gals, Merry X-mas to all!
Okay, question is, I am thinking of selling my Denon 3805 and replacing it with another Denon AVR (a step up or two). Reasons? I want to push my Axioms a bit more, and HDMI availability on the newer receviers is an important feature to me all of the sudden!
I just ordered a Toshiba HD-A2, and realize that TrueHD etc is only output via HDMI, and the unit has no analogue outs. No biggy though. I know I could of got an HD-A1 or XA1 at a great price, but went with the A2 anyways. I have been pondering the idea of selling the 3805 and moving up before the HD players were even out.
So, if I were to move up, what could be suggested from Denon that would be a quality and performance move?
I am going to hold on to my Denon 3910 because of it's outstanding aound qualities for DVD-A & SACD, not to mention, excellent PQ on standard def dvd's.