i have a sub that can be wired two different ways, one way is to use the crossover in my amplifier and use the sub-out rca jack, the problem with this is the lowest crossover freq. is 80hz, well i am using large speakers that need to be crossed-over at around 50hz, the second way i can wire the sub is in-line, this allows me to crossover the front speakers only but not the back, because there is only two speaker inputs. now what i can do is set the amplifier to crossover the rear speakers at 80hz, but i have large rear speakers and they also do not need crossed over at 80hz, this would pass the 80hz and below freq, to the front speakers and then pass the 50hz off to the sub, but not allowing me to cross them over at 50hz like i need to. any ideas? im thinking if i do this the front speakers would end up being very loud and drown out the rears. i am using the system exclusivley for music so there would be a lot of LF information coming from the rears