I've recommended studio tech
MODULAR racks more times than I can possibly remember.
The rack is $199 shipped. If you don't like the wire mgmt backs, don't use them. I don't.
I bought two, and split them unevenly, a tall one for HT, and short one for stereo.
You could also order more shelving when needed. There are also 5 different lengths available for posts, if you ever needed.
It's the future proof rack, sorta. The one PIA is if you wanted to add or remove a shelf, you have to remove all equipment to flip it upside down.
On my HT rack, I use a 70lb amp on the bottom, 52lb receiver acting as pre above it, and various ancillaries above that . . .
p.s. I also didn't connect the short legs at the very bottom of either of my racks.