Sadly my old Sony is starting to die. So, I've not just decided to get a new receiver I want to also get a small sub, network media player, and possibly a new DVD player.
Here's what I've picker out so far:
Receiver: Denon AVR-1508
DVD: Oppo 980H
Sub: Velodyn VX-10
I am going on a budget since I don't have a space for the system I want until I move out. It's a small room anyhow. This leaves me with a couple of questions.
1. Equalizer. I know a lot of people don't like them, but I do. My current amp is old and I use the tape 2 monitor for the EQ. The receiver I have picked out doesn't have them, but the 1708 does, can I hook the EQ up to the pre-out? Or is that only for amplifiers? This might be irrelevant if the media player uses tossling/coax.
2. What would you guys suggest for a network media controller? I have looked on Newegg but I'm not sure. My main concern is music as that is mostly what I have on my computer with a few video files and they aren't full movies. I would like something that isn't a PITA to get to see my media files. The drives are internal and are currently shared. Most importantly, I want good sound quality.
After I move into a bigger space I'll have one audio rig and a full blown home theater.