Hi everyone. I hope this is the right place to ask some questions.
My floor model 20" CRT RCA just bit the dust and I've been trying to decide
if the time is right to get a HDTV. I mostly watch DVD's and just get basic
cable. Money and space are kinda tight so I'm thinking about this
combination: samsung ln-S3251D and a oppo DV-970HD. (both have gotten decent reviews)
With the 07's coming out I can probably get both for $1300.
Is this a decent set-up? I know should get a bigger t.v. but honestly
the 20" wasn't too bad. I don't need the latest and greatest, but I think
this set up will be o.k. for watching dvd's and upgrading to HD cable/
satellite in the future.
Any comments or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks in advance!