My sister, Denise is flying in from OK today and staying until Monday. I booked the tickets so that she would get here in the early afternoon and leave in the early afternoon to sort of maximize her time here. We've got tickets to see The Blue Man Group tomorrow evening.
On Sunday I wanted to run her through a foot tour of Boston that starts at Back Bay and goes through that high dollar Copley Place on the way to the observation floor in the Prudential building. Footing it down Newbury St. through the Public Gardens and the Boston Common on the way to South Station winds up the tour with a commuter rail ride back into God's Country: Pawtucket, RI.
That's my plan anyway. Of course while she's here she will get to listen to the most amazing sound system
I'll keep her spellbound with tales of calibration and amplification.
That's probably why she wanted to visit anyway ... well, that and the coffee.
Anybody else doing anything good?