The show off HD-DVD movie

funked up

funked up

I recently purchased a panny plasma and HD-A3 player(kind of useless now, but atleast it was only 99bucks). I don't plan on buying allot of movies, mostly renting, unless there are some good blow out sales when HD-DVD finally dies. Anyways I would like to have atleast one or to showoff HD-DVDs on hand for when people want to see what the TV and surround sound is capable of. Any reccomendations? If I had to pick what was more important I would pick impressive picture over sound, but it would be best if it had both. Thanks


Audioholic Jedi
Bourne Ultimatum and The Matrix have been the most impressive for me so far. I haven't had a chance to watch Eastern Promises, but it gets high marks also, as well as Pan's Labyrinth. High Def Digest picked a number of those as best of 07.


Audioholic Spartan
Batman Begins has great picture and sound. I didn't like the movie, but even I will admit that it's visually and sonically impressive.
funked up

funked up

Bourne Ultimatum and The Matrix have been the most impressive for me so far. I haven't had a chance to watch Eastern Promises, but it gets high marks also, as well as Pan's Labyrinth. High Def Digest picked a number of those as best of 07.
Thanks, I have most of them on my netflix and I'm going to make sure and add Pan's Labyrinth. Most likely I'll watch most of them and then decide which ones I like the best to buy. I'm really looking for to seeing Eastern Promises, since it is one of the few movies that is on HD-DVD that I havn't seen at all yet. A large majority of the others i've seen on SD-DVD or in the theaters.


Seriously, I have no life.
Batman Begins has great picture and sound. I didn't like the movie, but even I will admit that it's visually and sonically impressive.
Interestingly a friend of mine saw it, most impressed, even though he is not into those kind of movies, and wanted to see the rest of the older versions:D


a quick battle scene in master and commander has sent people running to ask what the hell it was.:D batman begins is also stunning video.


Audioholic Jedi
Master & Commander is not on HD DVD...and is scheduled to be released on Blu-ray exclusively in Feb.


Audioholic Chief
I think King Kong, HotFuzz and Bourne Ultimatum are some of the best looking HD DVDs.


Audioholic Jedi
I would vote for Bourne Ultimatum and Pan's Labyrinth and you better get them quickly before they run out!:D


Senior Audioholic
As mentioned, King Kong is said to be one of the best visually, I picked up a used one, looked pretty darn good over all.


Audioholic Jedi
Too bad King Kong was a rather average movie....other than some cool demo scenes, I was less than impressed with the movie as a whole.


Audioholic General
Hot Fuzz,King Kong, Shrek 3 (visually), Bourne Ultimatum, 300 and Transformers (for people that know how to setup their receivers properly)

If you have friends that can stand dialog heavy movies and don't require lots of LFE and explosions...Pride and Prejudice and Eastern Promises are nice, too.

Pan's Labyrinth has some minor digital noise reduction, but is still an outstanding transfer.


Audioholic Jedi
Pan's Labyrinth is not a dramatic upgrade visually from the SD DVD.

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